

Name Type Language Deterministic Return Type Security Restriction Comments
path FUNCTION C true path INVOKER
st_tpi FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
st_collectionhomogenize FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: collection - Given a geometry collection, return the “simplest” representation of the contents.

updategeometrysrid FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER

args: catalog_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name, srid - Updates the SRID of all features in a geometry column, geometry_columns metadata and srid. If it was enforced with constraints, the constraints will be updated with new srid constraint. If the old was enforced by type definition, the type definition will be changed.

st_max4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER

args: geomfield - Aggregate. Constructs an array of geometries.

st_linesubstring FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: a_linestring, startfraction, endfraction - Return a linestring being a substring of the input one starting and ending at the given fractions of total 2d length. Second and third arguments are float8 values between 0 and 1.

geometry_gist_distance_nd FUNCTION C false double precision INVOKER
st_createoverview FUNCTION PLPGSQL false regclass INVOKER

args: tab, col, factor, algo=‘NearestNeighbor’ - Create an reduced resolution version of a given raster coverage.

geometry_gist_consistent_2d FUNCTION C false boolean INVOKER
st_memcollect AGGREGATE INTERNAL true geometry INVOKER
st_removerepeatedpoints FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, tolerance - Returns a version of the given geometry with duplicated points removed.

st_forcecollection FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Convert the geometry into a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION.

st_addpoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: linestring, point, position - Add a point to a LineString.

st_clusterkmeans WINDOW C false integer INVOKER

args: geom, number_of_clusters - Windowing function that returns integer id for the cluster each input geometry is in.

postgis_raster_scripts_installed FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER
_raster_constraint_info_extent FUNCTION SQL false geometry INVOKER
geometry_gist_penalty_2d FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
geomfromewkt FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
_postgis_stats FUNCTION C false text INVOKER
geography_typmod_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
postgis_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Returns PostGIS version number and compile-time options.

_st_dfullywithin FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_issimple FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: geomA - Returns (TRUE) if this Geometry has no anomalous geometric points, such as self intersection or self tangency.

st_asgml FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

args: version, geog, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0, nprefix=null, id=null - Return the geometry as a GML version 2 or 3 element.

st_project FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER

args: g1, distance, azimuth - Returns a POINT projected from a start point using a distance in meters and bearing (azimuth) in radians.

st_lineinterpolatepoints FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: a_linestring, a_fraction, repeat - Returns one or more points interpolated along a line.

st_linefromencodedpolyline FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: polyline, precision=5 - Creates a LineString from an Encoded Polyline.

gettransactionid FUNCTION C false xid INVOKER
st_reskew FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, skewx, skewy, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster by adjusting only its skew (or rotation parameters). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor.

st_linefromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Makes a Geometry from WKT representation with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0.

st_metadata FUNCTION C true record INVOKER

args: rast - Returns basic meta data about a raster object such as pixel size, rotation (skew), upper, lower left, etc.

_st_distance FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
st_wkbtosql FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: WKB - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Binary representation (WKB). This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromWKB that takes no srid

_st_rastertoworldcoord FUNCTION C true record INVOKER
raster_overbelow FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_numgeometries FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: geom - If geometry is a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (or MULTI*) return the number of geometries, for single geometries will return 1, otherwise return NULL.

raster_contained FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
_st_roughness4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
raster_below FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_geomcollfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
raster_above FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
geometry_gist_union_nd FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
raster_contain FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_symdifference FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, geomB - Returns a geometry that represents the portions of A and B that do not intersect. It is called a symmetric difference because ST_SymDifference(A,B) = ST_SymDifference(B,A).

st_geometryn FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, n - Return the 1-based Nth geometry if the geometry is a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, (MULTI)POINT, (MULTI)LINESTRING, MULTICURVE or (MULTI)POLYGON, POLYHEDRALSURFACE Otherwise, return NULL.

st_combinebbox FUNCTION C true box2d INVOKER
st_forcerhr FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g - Force the orientation of the vertices in a polygon to follow the Right-Hand-Rule.

st_chaikinsmoothing FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, nIterations = 1, preserveEndPoints = false - Returns a “smoothed” version of the given geometry using the Chaikin algorithm

st_geomcollfromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Makes a collection Geometry from collection WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0.

_st_asgeojson FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
st_valuecount FUNCTION SQL false SETOF integer INVOKER

args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true, searchvalues=NULL, roundto=0, OUT value, OUT count - Returns a set of records containing a pixel band value and count of the number of pixels in a given band of a raster (or a raster coverage) that have a given set of values. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. By default nodata value pixels are not counted. and all other values in the pixel are output and pixel band values are rounded to the nearest integer.

st_makeenvelope FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, srid=unknown - Creates a rectangular Polygon formed from the given minimums and maximums. Input values must be in SRS specified by the SRID.

_add_raster_constraint_blocksize FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_minimumboundingcircle FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, num_segs_per_qt_circ=48 - Returns the smallest circle polygon that can fully contain a geometry. Default uses 48 segments per quarter circle.

_raster_constraint_info_blocksize FUNCTION SQL false integer INVOKER
geometry_contained_3d FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_pointfromgeohash FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geohash, precision=full_precision_of_geohash - Return a point from a GeoHash string.

create_role_readonly FUNCTION PLPGSQL false character varying INVOKER
geom3d_brin_inclusion_add_value FUNCTION C false boolean INVOKER
_st_worldtorastercoord FUNCTION C true record INVOKER
st_isempty FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: rast - Returns true if the raster is empty (width = 0 and height = 0). Otherwise, returns false.

st_point_inside_circle FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
get_proj4_from_srid FUNCTION PLPGSQL true text INVOKER
is_contained_2d FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
_st_buffer FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
postgis_typmod_type FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
geography_gist_union FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_pixelaspolygons FUNCTION SQL true SETOF record INVOKER

args: rast, band=1, exclude_nodata_value=TRUE - Returns the polygon geometry that bounds every pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel.

st_rastfromhexwkb FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: wkb - Return a raster value from a Hex representation of Well-Known Binary (WKB) raster.

_add_raster_constraint FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
geom2d_brin_inclusion_add_value FUNCTION C false boolean INVOKER
st_aswkb FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER

args: rast, outasin=FALSE - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the raster.

st_mpolyfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
_st_asgml FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
st_boundary FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Returns the closure of the combinatorial boundary of this Geometry.

st_rastfromwkb FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: wkb - Return a raster value from a Well-Known Binary (WKB) raster.

geometry_typmod_in FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER
st_geographyfromtext FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER

args: EWKT - Return a specified geography value from Well-Known Text representation or extended (WKT).

st_rotation FUNCTION SQL false double precision INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the rotation of the raster in radian.

_st_union_transfn FUNCTION C true internal INVOKER
st_makepoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: x, y, z, m - Creates a 2D, 3DZ or 4D point geometry.

_drop_raster_constraint_regular_blocking FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
st_equals FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: A, B - Returns true if the given geometries represent the same geometry. Directionality is ignored.

st_3dintersects FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: geomA, geomB - Returns TRUE if the Geometries “spatially intersect” in 3d - only for points, linestrings, polygons, polyhedral surface (area). With SFCGAL backend enabled also supports TINS

st_height FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the height of the raster in pixels.

_st_3ddfullywithin FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
pgaudit_sql_drop FUNCTION C false event_trigger INVOKER
raster_geometry_contain FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_asgeojson FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

args: gj_version, geog, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0 - Return the geometry as a GeoJSON element.

st_geometricmedian FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

- Returns the geometric median of a MultiPoint.

st_resample FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, scalex=0, scaley=0, gridx=NULL, gridy=NULL, skewx=0, skewy=0, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster using a specified resampling algorithm, new dimensions, an arbitrary grid corner and a set of raster georeferencing attributes defined or borrowed from another raster.

st_summarystats FUNCTION SQL false summarystats INVOKER

args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. Band 1 is assumed is no band is specified.

postgis_extensions_upgrade FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER

Upgrades installed postgis packaged extensions (e.g. postgis_sfcgal, postgis_topology, postgis_sfcgal) to latest installed version. Reports full postgis version and build configuration infos after.

geometry_gist_picksplit_nd FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
geography_gist_decompress FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_upperleftx FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the upper left X coordinate of raster in projected spatial ref.

st_asx3d FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

args: g1, maxdecimaldigits=15, options=0 - Returns a Geometry in X3D xml node element format: ISO-IEC-19776-1.2-X3DEncodings-XML

_overview_constraint FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
_st_distanceuncached FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER
st_upperlefty FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the upper left Y coordinate of raster in projected spatial ref.

geometry_recv FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
_st_containsproperly FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
pgis_geometry_clusterwithin_finalfn FUNCTION C false ARRAY INVOKER
_st_dwithinuncached FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_geotransform FUNCTION C true record INVOKER
st_ashexwkb FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

args: rast, outasin=FALSE - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) in Hex representation of the raster.

st_length_spheroid FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER
geometry_gist_union_2d FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
_drop_raster_constraint_nodata_values FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
st_pixelascentroids FUNCTION SQL true SETOF record INVOKER

args: rast, band=1, exclude_nodata_value=TRUE - Returns the centroid (point geometry) for each pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The point geometry is the centroid of the area represented by a pixel.

st_setbandindex FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, band, outdbindex, force=false - Update the external band number of an out-db band

st_locate_between_measures FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
st_gdaldrivers FUNCTION C true SETOF record INVOKER

args: OUT idx, OUT short_name, OUT long_name, OUT can_read, OUT can_write, OUT create_options - Returns a list of raster formats supported by PostGIS through GDAL. Only those formats with can_write=True can be used by ST_AsGDALRaster

_add_raster_constraint_out_db FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
updaterastersrid FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER

args: schema_name, table_name, column_name, new_srid - Change the SRID of all rasters in the user-specified column and table.

st_startpoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Returns the first point of a LINESTRING geometry as a POINT.

st_shiftlongitude FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Toggle geometry coordinates between -180..180 and 0..360 ranges.

geometry_cmp FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER
st_mapalgebraexpr FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
geometry_overabove FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
pgis_asmvt_deserialfn FUNCTION C true internal INVOKER
postgis_dropbbox FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Drop the bounding box cache from the geometry.

_st_gdalwarp FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
st_shortestline FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - Returns the 2-dimensional shortest line between two geometries

st_setbandisnodata FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: rast, band=1 - Sets the isnodata flag of the band to TRUE.

st_tri FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
_drop_raster_constraint_alignment FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
contains_2d FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
geomfromewkb FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
_overview_constraint_info FUNCTION SQL false record INVOKER
_drop_raster_constraint_spatially_unique FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_astwkb FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER

args: geometries, unique_ids, decimaldigits_xy=0, decimaldigits_z=0, decimaldigits_m=0, include_sizes=false, include_bounding_boxes=false - Returns the geometry as TWKB, aka “Tiny Well-Known Binary”

st_geogfromwkb FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER

args: wkb - Creates a geography instance from a Well-Known Binary geometry representation (WKB) or extended Well Known Binary (EWKB).

st_numinteriorrings FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: a_polygon - Return the number of interior rings of a polygon geometry.

st_polygon FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
gserialized_gist_sel_2d FUNCTION C false double precision INVOKER
geography_send FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER
postgis_transform_geometry FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
st_bandpath FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns system file path to a band stored in file system. If no bandnum specified, 1 is assumed.

addgeometrycolumn FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER

args: catalog_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name, srid, type, dimension, use_typmod=true - Adds a geometry column to an existing table of attributes. By default uses type modifier to define rather than constraints. Pass in false for use_typmod to get old check constraint based behavior

pgis_geometry_makeline_finalfn FUNCTION C false geometry INVOKER
geography FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER
geometry FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
st_setsrid FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: rast, srid - Sets the SRID of a raster to a particular integer srid defined in the spatial_ref_sys table.

st_numbands FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the number of bands in the raster object.

st_clusterdbscan WINDOW C true integer INVOKER

args: geom, eps, minpoints - Windowing function that returns integer id for the cluster each input geometry is in based on 2D implementation of Density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm.

st_unaryunion FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom - Like ST_Union, but working at the geometry component level.

raster_geometry_overlap FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_geomfromkml FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomkml - Takes as input KML representation of geometry and outputs a PostGIS geometry object

_add_overview_constraint FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_linemerge FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: amultilinestring - Return a (set of) LineString(s) formed by sewing together a MULTILINESTRING.

_drop_raster_constraint_scale FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_swapordinates FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, ords - Returns a version of the given geometry with given ordinate values swapped.

geometry_typmod_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
geography_typmod_in FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER
st_overlaps FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if raster rastA and rastB intersect but one does not completely contain the other.

st_containsproperly FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if rastB intersects the interior of rastA but not the boundary or exterior of rastA.

_drop_overview_constraint FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
postgis_type_name FUNCTION SQL true character varying INVOKER
st_3dlength FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: a_3dlinestring - Returns the 3-dimensional or 2-dimensional length of the geometry if it is a linestring or multi-linestring.

st_generatepoints FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g, npoints - Converts a polygon or multi-polygon into a multi-point composed of randomly location points within the original areas.

st_buildarea FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: A - Creates an areal geometry formed by the constituent linework of given geometry

st_area FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: geog, use_spheroid=true - Returns the area of the surface if it is a Polygon or MultiPolygon. For geometry, a 2D Cartesian area is determined with units specified by the SRID. For geography, area is determined on a curved surface with units in square meters.

st_seteffectivearea FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, threshold = 0, set_area = 1 - Sets the effective area for each vertex, storing the value in the M ordinate. A simplified geometry can then be generated by filtering on the M ordinate.

postgis_proj_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Returns the version number of the PROJ4 library.

st_valuepercent FUNCTION SQL false SETOF double precision INVOKER
addoverviewconstraints FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER

args: ovschema, ovtable, ovcolumn, refschema, reftable, refcolumn, ovfactor - Tag a raster column as being an overview of another.

st_pointfromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Makes a point Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to unknown.

st_reclass FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
st_geomfromtext FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Text representation (WKT).

st_patchn FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, n - Return the 1-based Nth geometry (face) if the geometry is a POLYHEDRALSURFACE, POLYHEDRALSURFACEM. Otherwise, return NULL.

st_pixelaspoint FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: rast, columnx, rowy - Returns a point geometry of the pixels upper-left corner.

st_rotate FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, rotRadians, x0, y0 - Rotate a geometry rotRadians counter-clockwise about an origin.

text FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
st_relatematch FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: intersectionMatrix, intersectionMatrixPattern - Returns true if intersectionMattrixPattern1 implies intersectionMatrixPattern2

st_hasarc FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: geomA - Returns true if a geometry or geometry collection contains a circular string

_st_longestline FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
st_roughness FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
st_snaptogrid FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, gridx, gridy, scalex, scaley, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster by snapping it to a grid. New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor.

_add_raster_constraint_nodata_values FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_segmentize FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER

args: geog, max_segment_length - Return a modified geometry/geography having no segment longer than the given distance.

geom4d_brin_inclusion_add_value FUNCTION C false boolean INVOKER
st_pointinsidecircle FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: a_point, center_x, center_y, radius - Is the point geometry inside the circle defined by center_x, center_y, radius

st_setpoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: linestring, zerobasedposition, point - Replace point of a linestring with a given point.

geometry_contained_by_raster FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_line_locate_point FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER
enablelongtransactions FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER

Enable long transaction support. This function creates the required metadata tables, needs to be called once before using the other functions in this section. Calling it twice is harmless.

geometry_overlaps_nd FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
_st_3ddwithin FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_linefromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKB, srid - Makes a LINESTRING from WKB with the given SRID

geometry_same FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
_add_raster_constraint_num_bands FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
_add_raster_constraint_spatially_unique FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
geometry_distance_centroid FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
st_makebox2d FUNCTION C true box2d INVOKER

args: pointLowLeft, pointUpRight - Creates a BOX2D defined by the given point geometries.

st_buffer FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, radius_of_buffer, buffer_style_parameters - (T)Returns a geometry covering all points within a given distancefrom the input geometry.

geometry_raster_overlap FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_resize FUNCTION PLPGSQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, percentwidth, percentheight, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125 - Resize a raster to a new width/height

geometry_in FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
st_histogram FUNCTION SQL false SETOF record INVOKER

args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true, bins=autocomputed, width=NULL, right=false - Returns a set of record summarizing a raster or raster coverage data distribution separate bin ranges. Number of bins are autocomputed if not specified.

st_ymin FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns Y minima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry.

st_rastertoworldcoordx FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: rast, xcolumn, yrow - Returns the geometric X coordinate upper left of a raster, column and row. Numbering of columns and rows starts at 1.

st_bandnodatavalue FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns the value in a given band that represents no data. If no band num 1 is assumed.

st_clip FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
geometry_contains FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
postgis_constraint_dims FUNCTION SQL false integer INVOKER
st_addmeasure FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom_mline, measure_start, measure_end - Return a derived geometry with measure elements linearly interpolated between the start and end points.

geometry_contains_3d FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_orientedenvelope FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom - Returns a minimum rotated rectangle enclosing a geometry.

st_askml FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

args: version, geog, maxdecimaldigits=15, nprefix=NULL - Return the geometry as a KML element. Several variants. Default version=2, default maxdecimaldigits=15

__st_countagg_transfn FUNCTION PLPGSQL true agg_count INVOKER
st_estimatedextent FUNCTION C true box2d DEFINER

args: schema_name, table_name, geocolumn_name, parent_ony - Return the estimated extent of the given spatial table. The estimated is taken from the geometry columns statistics. The current schema will be used if not specified.

geography_gist_penalty FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
_st_quantile FUNCTION C false SETOF record INVOKER
geometry_le FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_force_collection FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_fromgdalraster FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: gdaldata, srid=NULL - Returns a raster from a supported GDAL raster file.

st_orderingequals FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: A, B - Returns true if the given geometries represent the same geometry and points are in the same directional order.

populate_geometry_columns FUNCTION PLPGSQL false integer INVOKER

args: relation_oid, use_typmod=true - Ensures geometry columns are defined with type modifiers or have appropriate spatial constraints This ensures they will be registered correctly in geometry_columns view. By default will convert all geometry columns with no type modifier to ones with type modifiers. To get old behavior set use_typmod=false

st_interpolatepoint FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: line, point - Return the value of the measure dimension of a geometry at the point closed to the provided point.

geometry_gist_penalty_nd FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_asewkt FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

args: g1 - Return the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data.

st_dwithin FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB, distance_of_srid - Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are within the specified distance of each other.

st_summary FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER

args: rast - Returns a text summary of the contents of the raster.

st_forcecurve FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g - Upcast a geometry into its curved type, if applicable.

_st_concavehull FUNCTION PLPGSQL true geometry INVOKER
st_grayscale FUNCTION PLPGSQL true raster INVOKER
geometry_lt FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_simplifyvw FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, tolerance - Returns a “simplified” version of the given geometry using the Visvalingam-Whyatt algorithm

box3dtobox FUNCTION C true box INVOKER
_st_linecrossingdirection FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER
st_mem_size FUNCTION SQL true integer INVOKER
postgis_raster_lib_build_date FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Reports full raster library build date.

gidx_in FUNCTION C true gidx INVOKER
_raster_constraint_info_srid FUNCTION SQL false integer INVOKER
st_dimension FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: g - The inherent dimension of this Geometry object, which must be less than or equal to the coordinate dimension.

_postgis_scripts_pgsql_version FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER
st_forcepolygoncw FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom - Orients all exterior rings clockwise and all interior rings counter-clockwise.

st_line_interpolate_point FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_3dmaxdistance FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - For geometry type Returns the 3-dimensional cartesian maximum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units.

st_pointonsurface FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g1 - Returns a POINT guaranteed to lie on the surface.

_raster_constraint_info_alignment FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
geog_brin_inclusion_add_value FUNCTION C false boolean INVOKER
st_wrapx FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, wrap, move - Wrap a geometry around an X value.

st_3dlength_spheroid FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER
st_symmetricdifference FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
_st_3dintersects FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_memsize FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the amount of space (in bytes) the raster takes.

st_translate FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, deltax, deltay, deltaz - Translate a geometry by given offsets.

_st_coveredby FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_approxsummarystats FUNCTION SQL false summarystats INVOKER
st_length2dspheroid FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
st_dumprings FUNCTION C true SETOF geometry_dump INVOKER

args: a_polygon - Returns a set of geometry_dump rows, representing the exterior and interior rings of a polygon.

st_skewx FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the georeference X skew (or rotation parameter).

st_skewy FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the georeference Y skew (or rotation parameter).

geometry_gist_distance_2d FUNCTION C false double precision INVOKER
st_value FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER

args: rast, band, x, y, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or at a particular geometric point. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified. If exclude_nodata_value is set to false, then all pixels include nodata pixels are considered to intersect and return value. If exclude_nodata_value is not passed in then reads it from metadata of raster.

geometry_gist_consistent_nd FUNCTION C false boolean INVOKER
_st_geomfromgml FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
st_neighborhood FUNCTION SQL true ARRAY INVOKER

args: rast, bandnum, columnX, rowY, distanceX, distanceY, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns a 2-D double precision array of the non-NODATA values around a given bands pixel specified by either a columnX and rowY or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster.

_st_voronoi FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
_st_union_finalfn FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
st_distancecpa FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: track1, track2 - Returns the distance between closest points of approach in two trajectories.

st_asewkb FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER

args: g1, NDR_or_XDR - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the geometry with SRID meta data.

geography_gist_same FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
raster_overright FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_polyfromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
_drop_raster_constraint_srid FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
st_srid FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the spatial reference identifier of the raster as defined in spatial_ref_sys table.

st_setbandpath FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: rast, band, outdbpath, outdbindex, force=false - Update the external path and band number of an out-db band

st_pixelascentroid FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: rast, x, y - Returns the centroid (point geometry) of the area represented by a pixel.

st_setvalue FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, bandnum, columnx, rowy, newvalue - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the value of a given band in a given columnx, rowy pixel or the pixels that intersect a particular geometry. Band numbers start at 1 and assumed to be 1 if not specified.

st_ashexewkb FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

args: g1, NDRorXDR - Returns a Geometry in HEXEWKB format (as text) using either little-endian (NDR) or big-endian (XDR) encoding.

geometry_hash FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER
_add_raster_constraint_extent FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
raster_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
_st_asx3d FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
geometry_distance_centroid_nd FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
st_dfullywithin FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB, distance_of_srid - Return true if rasters rastA and rastB are fully within the specified distance of each other.

st_setrotation FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: rast, rotation - Set the rotation of the raster in radian.

st_scale FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, XFactor, YFactor, ZFactor - Scale a geometry by given factors.

st_approxquantile FUNCTION SQL false SETOF double precision INVOKER
st_makepolygon FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: outerlinestring, interiorlinestrings - Creates a Polygon formed by the given shell. Input geometries must be closed LINESTRINGS.

pgis_geometry_accum_finalfn FUNCTION C false ARRAY INVOKER
st_polygonfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_3dextent AGGREGATE INTERNAL true box3d INVOKER

args: geomfield - an aggregate function that returns the box3D bounding box that bounds rows of geometries.

dropgeometrytable FUNCTION SQL false text INVOKER

args: catalog_name, schema_name, table_name - Drops a table and all its references in geometry_columns.

dropgeometrycolumn FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER

args: catalog_name, schema_name, table_name, column_name - Removes a geometry column from a spatial table.

st_geomfromgeohash FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geohash, precision=full_precision_of_geohash - Return a geometry from a GeoHash string.


args: row, name, extent, geom_name - Return a Mapbox Vector Tile representation of a set of rows.

st_geomfromewkb FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: EWKB - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Extended Well-Known Binary representation (EWKB).

_raster_constraint_pixel_types FUNCTION SQL false ARRAY INVOKER
st_pixelaspolygon FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: rast, columnx, rowy - Returns the polygon geometry that bounds the pixel for a particular row and column.

st_length FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: geog, use_spheroid=true - Returns the 2D length of the geometry if it is a LineString or MultiLineString. geometry are in units of spatial reference and geography are in meters (default spheroid)

postgis_scripts_installed FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

Returns version of the postgis scripts installed in this database.

st_combine_bbox FUNCTION SQL true box2d INVOKER
st_countagg AGGREGATE INTERNAL true bigint INVOKER

args: rast, nband, exclude_nodata_value, sample_percent - Aggregate. Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a set of rasters. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels that are not equal to the NODATA value.

pgaudit_ddl_command_end FUNCTION C false event_trigger INVOKER
st_sum4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
box2d_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
st_geomfromewkt FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: EWKT - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Extended Well-Known Text representation (EWKT).

st_asmvtgeom FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, bounds, extent=4096, buffer=256, clip_geom=true - Transform a geometry into the coordinate space of a Mapbox Vector Tile.

st_geogfromtext FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER

args: EWKT - Return a specified geography value from Well-Known Text representation or extended (WKT).

st_geomfromgeojson FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomjson - Takes as input a geojson representation of a geometry and outputs a PostGIS geometry object

st_multi FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g1 - Return the geometry as a MULTI* geometry.

st_snap FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: input, reference, tolerance - Snap segments and vertices of input geometry to vertices of a reference geometry.

st_minimumclearance FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: g - Returns the minimum clearance of a geometry, a measure of a geometrys robustness.

st_pixelheight FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the pixel height in geometric units of the spatial reference system.

st_ispolygoncw FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: geom - Returns true if all exterior rings are oriented clockwise and all interior rings are oriented counter-clockwise.

_st_pointoutside FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER
st_interiorringn FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: a_polygon, n - Return the Nth interior linestring ring of the polygon geometry. Return NULL if the geometry is not a polygon or the given N is out of range.

_st_tri4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
overlaps_2d FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
raster_hash FUNCTION INTERNAL true integer INVOKER
st_mindist4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
_postgis_index_extent FUNCTION C false box2d INVOKER
st_m FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: a_point - Return the M coordinate of the point, or NULL if not available. Input must be a point.

st_wkttosql FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Text representation (WKT). This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromText

st_rastertoworldcoordy FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: rast, xcolumn, yrow - Returns the geometric Y coordinate upper left corner of a raster, column and row. Numbering of columns and rows starts at 1.

st_reverse FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g1 - Return the geometry with vertex order reversed.

st_makepointm FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: x, y, m - Creates a point geometry with an x y and m coordinate.

raster_overabove FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_touches FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if raster rastA and rastB have at least one point in common but their interiors do not intersect.

checkauthtrigger FUNCTION C false trigger INVOKER
st_isvalidreason FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

args: geomA, flags - Returns text stating if a geometry is valid or not and if not valid, a reason why.

st_distancespheroid FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: geomlonlatA, geomlonlatB, measurement_spheroid - Returns the minimum distance between two lon/lat geometries given a particular spheroid. PostGIS versions prior to 1.5 only support points.

st_zmin FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns Z minima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry.

st_linelocatepoint FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: a_linestring, a_point - Returns a float between 0 and 1 representing the location of the closest point on LineString to the given Point, as a fraction of total 2d line length.

geometry_above FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_z FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: a_point - Return the Z coordinate of the point, or NULL if not available. Input must be a point.

pgis_geometry_accum_transfn FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_y FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: a_point - Return the Y coordinate of the point, or NULL if not available. Input must be a point.

st_x FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: a_point - Return the X coordinate of the point, or NULL if not available. Input must be a point.

st_mpointfromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0.

st_3dlongestline FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - Returns the 3-dimensional longest line between two geometries

st_collectionextract FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: collection, type - Given a (multi)geometry, return a (multi)geometry consisting only of elements of the specified type.

st_3ddwithin FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: g1, g2, distance_of_srid - For 3d (z) geometry type Returns true if two geometries 3d distance is within number of units.

st_box2dfromgeohash FUNCTION C true box2d INVOKER

args: geohash, precision=full_precision_of_geohash - Return a BOX2D from a GeoHash string.

st_makevalid FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: input - Attempts to make an invalid geometry valid without losing vertices.

st_astiff FUNCTION SQL true bytea INVOKER

args: rast, nbands, options, srid=sameassource - Return the raster selected bands as a single TIFF image (byte array). If no band is specified or any of specified bands does not exist in the raster, then will try to use all bands.

equals FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_min4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
geometry_overlaps FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
geography_overlaps FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_setgeoreference FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, upperleftx, upperlefty, scalex, scaley, skewx, skewy - Set Georeference 6 georeference parameters in a single call. Numbers should be separated by white space. Accepts inputs in GDAL or ESRI format. Default is GDAL.

geography_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
st_coveredby FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if no points of raster rastA lie outside raster rastB.

_raster_constraint_info_index FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
spheroid_in FUNCTION C true spheroid INVOKER
st_asbinary FUNCTION SQL true bytea INVOKER

args: rast, outasin=FALSE - Return the Well-Known Binary (WKB) representation of the raster.

st_simplifypreservetopology FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, tolerance - Returns a “simplified” version of the given geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm. Will avoid creating derived geometries (polygons in particular) that are invalid.

postgis_scripts_released FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Returns the version number of the postgis.sql script released with the installed postgis lib.

geometrytype FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
st_convexhull FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
st_pixelofvalue FUNCTION SQL true SETOF record INVOKER

args: rast, nband, search, exclude_nodata_value=true - Get the columnx, rowy coordinates of the pixel whose value equals the search value.

postgis_geos_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Returns the version number of the GEOS library.

_st_summarystats FUNCTION PLPGSQL true summarystats INVOKER
st_rescale FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, scalex, scaley, algorithm=NearestNeighbour, maxerr=0.125 - Resample a raster by adjusting only its scale (or pixel size). New pixel values are computed using the NearestNeighbor (english or american spelling), Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline or Lanczos resampling algorithm. Default is NearestNeighbor.

point FUNCTION C true point INVOKER
pgis_geometry_collect_finalfn FUNCTION C false geometry INVOKER
st_setscale FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: rast, x, y - Sets the X and Y size of pixels in units of coordinate reference system. Number units/pixel width/height.

_st_slope4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
st_dumppoints FUNCTION C true SETOF geometry_dump INVOKER

args: geom - Returns a set of geometry_dump (geom,path) rows of all points that make up a geometry.

st_locate_along_measure FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
_st_distancetree FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER
geometry_send FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER
polygon FUNCTION C true polygon INVOKER
st_points FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom - Returns a MultiPoint containing all of the coordinates of a geometry.

st_stddev4ma FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER
geometry_gist_same_nd FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_band FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, nbands, delimiter=, - Returns one or more bands of an existing raster as a new raster. Useful for building new rasters from existing rasters.

st_expand FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, dx, dy, dz=0, dm=0 - Returns bounding box expanded in all directions from the bounding box of the input geometry. Uses double-precision

pgis_asmvt_serialfn FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER
geometry_spgist_inner_consistent_3d FUNCTION C true void INVOKER
st_ymax FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns Y maxima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry.

st_force_3dm FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_line_substring FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
_st_dwithin FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
box2df_in FUNCTION C true box2df INVOKER
_st_setvalues FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
_add_raster_constraint_srid FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
geometry_overright FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_estimated_extent FUNCTION SQL true box2d INVOKER
st_transscale FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, deltaX, deltaY, XFactor, YFactor - Translate a geometry by given factors and offsets.

geometry_spgist_compress_2d FUNCTION C true internal INVOKER
st_iscollection FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: g - Returns TRUE if the argument is a collection (MULTI*, GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, …)

st_assvg FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

args: geog, rel=0, maxdecimaldigits=15 - Returns a Geometry in SVG path data given a geometry or geography object.

disablelongtransactions FUNCTION PLPGSQL false text INVOKER

Disable long transaction support. This function removes the long transaction support metadata tables, and drops all triggers attached to lock-checked tables.

_st_count FUNCTION PLPGSQL false bigint INVOKER
st_force_3dz FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_hillshade FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
st_removepoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: linestring, offset - Remove point from a linestring.

postgis_libjson_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
geometry_spgist_config_3d FUNCTION C true void INVOKER
st_asjpeg FUNCTION SQL true bytea INVOKER

args: rast, nbands, options=NULL - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single Joint Photographic Exports Group (JPEG) image (byte array). If no band is specified and 1 or more than 3 bands, then only the first band is used. If only 3 bands then all 3 bands are used and mapped to RGB.

st_simplify FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, tolerance, preserveCollapsed - Returns a “simplified” version of the given geometry using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.

st_notsamealignmentreason FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

args: rastA, rastB - Returns text stating if rasters are aligned and if not aligned, a reason why.

raster_contained_by_geometry FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
_st_mapalgebra FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
st_mpolyfromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Makes a MultiPolygon Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0.

st_pixelaspoints FUNCTION SQL true SETOF record INVOKER

args: rast, band=1, exclude_nodata_value=TRUE - Returns a point geometry for each pixel of a raster band along with the value, the X and the Y raster coordinates of each pixel. The coordinates of the point geometry are of the pixels upper-left corner.

_st_covers FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_3dshortestline FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - Returns the 3-dimensional shortest line between two geometries

addrasterconstraints FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER

args: rastschema, rasttable, rastcolumn, srid=true, scale_x=true, scale_y=true, blocksize_x=true, blocksize_y=true, same_alignment=true, regular_blocking=false, num_bands=true, pixel_types=true, nodata_values=true, out_db=true, extent=true - Adds raster constraints to a loaded raster table for a specific column that constrains spatial ref, scaling, blocksize, alignment, bands, band type and a flag to denote if raster column is regularly blocked. The table must be loaded with data for the constraints to be inferred. Returns true if the constraint setting was accomplished and issues a notice otherwise.

_st_orderingequals FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_mpointfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_point FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: x_lon, y_lat - Returns an ST_Point with the given coordinate values. OGC alias for ST_MakePoint.

geometry_spgist_leaf_consistent_3d FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_area2d FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
st_intersects FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if raster rastA spatially intersects raster rastB.

st_within FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if no points of raster rastA lie in the exterior of raster rastB and at least one point of the interior of rastA lies in the interior of rastB.

st_disjoint FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if raster rastA does not spatially intersect rastB.

geography_in FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER
st_locatebetween FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, measure_start, measure_end, offset - Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified range of measures inclusively. Polygonal elements are not supported.

geometry_spgist_compress_3d FUNCTION C true internal INVOKER
st_makeemptyraster FUNCTION PLPGSQL true raster INVOKER

args: width, height, upperleftx, upperlefty, scalex, scaley, skewx, skewy, srid=unknown - Returns an empty raster (having no bands) of given dimensions (width & height), upperleft X and Y, pixel size and rotation (scalex, scaley, skewx & skewy) and reference system (srid). If a raster is passed in, returns a new raster with the same size, alignment and SRID. If srid is left out, the spatial ref is set to unknown (0).

st_quantile FUNCTION SQL false SETOF double precision INVOKER

args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true, quantiles=NULL - Compute quantiles for a raster or raster table coverage in the context of the sample or population. Thus, a value could be examined to be at the rasters 25%, 50%, 75% percentile.

geometry_same_3d FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_angle FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: point1, point2, point3, point4 - Returns the angle between 3 points, or between 2 vectors (4 points or 2 lines).

postgis_hasbbox FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: geomA - Returns TRUE if the bbox of this geometry is cached, FALSE otherwise.

st_polyfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
_raster_constraint_out_db FUNCTION SQL true ARRAY INVOKER
postgis_svn_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
_st_hillshade4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
overlaps_geog FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_mapalgebrafct FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
st_distinct4ma FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER
postgis_constraint_srid FUNCTION SQL false integer INVOKER
st_dump FUNCTION C true SETOF geometry_dump INVOKER

args: g1 - Returns a set of geometry_dump (geom,path) rows, that make up a geometry g1.

st_clipbybox2d FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, box - Returns the portion of a geometry falling within a rectangle.

st_polygonize FUNCTION INTERNAL true geometry INVOKER

args: geom_array - Aggregate. Creates a GeometryCollection containing possible polygons formed from the constituent linework of a set of geometries.

st_difference FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, geomB - Returns a geometry that represents that part of geometry A that does not intersect with geometry B.

st_contains FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if no points of raster rastB lie in the exterior of raster rastA and at least one point of the interior of rastB lies in the interior of rastA.

st_approxhistogram FUNCTION SQL false SETOF record INVOKER
st_bandmetadata FUNCTION SQL true record INVOKER

args: rast, band - Returns basic meta data for a specific raster band. band num 1 is assumed if none-specified.

st_cleangeometry FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
gidx_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
st_3ddistance FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - For geometry type Returns the 3-dimensional cartesian minimum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units.

st_offsetcurve FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: line, signed_distance, style_parameters=’ - Return an offset line at a given distance and side from an input line. Useful for computing parallel lines about a center line

st_approxcount FUNCTION SQL false bigint INVOKER
st_subdivide FUNCTION C true SETOF geometry INVOKER

args: geom, max_vertices=256 - Returns a set of geometry where no geometry in the set has more than the specified number of vertices.

st_minconvexhull FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
_st_convertarray4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true ARRAY INVOKER
st_asraster FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: geom, scalex, scaley, pixeltype, value=ARRAY1, nodataval=ARRAY0, upperleftx=NULL, upperlefty=NULL, skewx=0, skewy=0, touched=false - Converts a PostGIS geometry to a PostGIS raster.

lockrow FUNCTION SQL false integer INVOKER

args: a_schema_name, a_table_name, a_row_key, an_auth_token, expire_dt - Set lock/authorization for specific row in table

geometry_overlaps_3d FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_polygonfromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Makes a Geometry from WKT with the given SRID. If SRID is not given, it defaults to 0.

geometry_within FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_numpatches FUNCTION SQL true integer INVOKER

args: g1 - Return the number of faces on a Polyhedral Surface. Will return null for non-polyhedral geometries.

st_numinteriorring FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: a_polygon - Return the number of interior rings of a polygon in the geometry. Synonym for ST_NumInteriorRings.

st_aspng FUNCTION SQL true bytea INVOKER

args: rast, nbands, options=NULL - Return the raster tile selected bands as a single portable network graphics (PNG) image (byte array). If 1, 3, or 4 bands in raster and no bands are specified, then all bands are used. If more 2 or more than 4 bands and no bands specified, then only band 1 is used. Bands are mapped to RGB or RGBA space.

st_hausdorffdistance FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: g1, g2, densifyFrac - Returns the Hausdorff distance between two geometries. Basically a measure of how similar or dissimilar 2 geometries are. Units are in the units of the spatial reference system of the geometries.

pgis_asgeobuf_transfn FUNCTION C true internal INVOKER
st_rotatex FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, rotRadians - Rotate a geometry rotRadians about the X axis.

st_centroid FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, use_spheroid=true - Returns the geometric center of a geometry.

longtransactionsenabled FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_intersection FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
st_length2d FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: a_2dlinestring - Returns the 2-dimensional length of the geometry if it is a linestring or multi-linestring. This is an alias for ST_Length

st_distance_sphere FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER
st_force_2d FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
geography_ge FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_3dperimeter FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: geomA - Returns the 3-dimensional perimeter of the geometry, if it is a polygon or multi-polygon.

st_xmax FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns X maxima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry.

st_azimuth FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: pointA, pointB - Returns the north-based azimuth as the angle in radians measured clockwise from the vertical on pointA to pointB.

overlaps_nd FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
geometry_spgist_inner_consistent_2d FUNCTION C true void INVOKER
postgis_lib_build_date FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Returns build date of the PostGIS library.

spheroid_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
gserialized_gist_joinsel_2d FUNCTION C false double precision INVOKER
geometry_right FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_filterbym FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, min, max = null, returnM = false - Filters vertex points based on their m-value

st_slope FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
field_detail FUNCTION PLPGSQL false SETOF record INVOKER
_st_maxdistance FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
geography_gt FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
geography_gist_compress FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
raster_overleft FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_node FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom - Node a set of linestrings.

geometry_spgist_config_2d FUNCTION C true void INVOKER
_add_raster_constraint_alignment FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_asencodedpolyline FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

args: geom, precision=5 - Returns an Encoded Polyline from a LineString geometry.

st_linefrommultipoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: aMultiPoint - Creates a LineString from a MultiPoint geometry.

st_force_3d FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
_raster_constraint_info_num_bands FUNCTION SQL false integer INVOKER
geometry_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
st_samealignment FUNCTION INTERNAL true boolean INVOKER

args: ulx1, uly1, scalex1, scaley1, skewx1, skewy1, ulx2, uly2, scalex2, scaley2, skewx2, skewy2 - Returns true if rasters have same skew, scale, spatial ref, and offset (pixels can be put on same grid without cutting into pixels) and false if they dont with notice detailing issue.

st_distance_spheroid FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER
geometry_left FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
_raster_constraint_nodata_values FUNCTION SQL true ARRAY INVOKER
geometry_gist_compress_2d FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER

args: geomfield - an aggregate function that returns the bounding box that bounds rows of geometries.

_st_countagg_finalfn FUNCTION PLPGSQL true bigint INVOKER
st_mean4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
st_asgdalraster FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER

args: rast, format, options=NULL, srid=sameassource - Return the raster tile in the designated GDAL Raster format. Raster formats are one of those supported by your compiled library. Use ST_GDALDrivers() to get a list of formats supported by your library.

st_tile FUNCTION SQL true SETOF raster INVOKER

args: rast, nband, width, height, padwithnodata=FALSE, nodataval=NULL - Returns a set of rasters resulting from the split of the input raster based upon the desired dimensions of the output rasters.

st_affine FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, xoff, yoff, zoff - Apply a 3d affine transformation to a geometry.

st_hasnoband FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns true if there is no band with given band number. If no band number is specified, then band number 1 is assumed.

pgis_geometry_clusterintersecting_finalfn FUNCTION C false ARRAY INVOKER
st_nearestvalue FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: rast, bandnum, columnx, rowy, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the nearest non-NODATA value of a given bands pixel specified by a columnx and rowy or a geometric point expressed in the same spatial reference coordinate system as the raster.

st_xmin FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns X minima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry.

geometry_gist_same_2d FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_forcepolygonccw FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geom - Orients all exterior rings counter-clockwise and all interior rings clockwise.

pgis_geometry_union_finalfn FUNCTION C false geometry INVOKER
box3d FUNCTION SQL true box3d INVOKER
st_memunion AGGREGATE INTERNAL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomfield - Same as ST_Union, only memory-friendly (uses less memory and more processor time).

_st_aspect4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
raster_overlap FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
_updaterastersrid FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
_st_intersects FUNCTION PLPGSQL true boolean INVOKER
geometry_raster_contain FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_rotatey FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, rotRadians - Rotate a geometry rotRadians about the Y axis.

st_rotatez FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, rotRadians - Rotate a geometry rotRadians about the Z axis.

_postgis_selectivity FUNCTION C false double precision INVOKER
st_force_4d FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
unlockrows FUNCTION PLPGSQL false integer INVOKER

args: auth_token - Remove all locks held by specified authorization id. Returns the number of locks released.

geometry_distance_cpa FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
postgis_libprotobuf_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
geography_eq FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_iscoveragetile FUNCTION PLPGSQL true boolean INVOKER
st_zmax FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: aGeomorBox2DorBox3D - Returns Z minima of a bounding box 2d or 3d or a geometry.

raster_eq FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_numpoints FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: g1 - Return the number of points in an ST_LineString or ST_CircularString value.

_st_histogram FUNCTION C true SETOF record INVOKER
geography_distance_knn FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
_raster_constraint_info_nodata_values FUNCTION SQL false ARRAY INVOKER
droprasterconstraints FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER

args: rastschema, rasttable, rastcolumn, srid=true, scale_x=true, scale_y=true, blocksize_x=true, blocksize_y=true, same_alignment=true, regular_blocking=false, num_bands=true, pixel_types=true, nodata_values=true, out_db=true, extent=true - Drops PostGIS raster constraints that refer to a raster table column. Useful if you need to reload data or update your raster column data.

postgis_typmod_dims FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER
geography_recv FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER
st_mapalgebrafctngb FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
st_find_extent FUNCTION SQL true box2d INVOKER
st_3dclosestpoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - Returns the 3-dimensional point on g1 that is closest to g2. This is the first point of the 3D shortest line.

geometry_eq FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
geometry_below FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
postgis_addbbox FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Add bounding box to the geometry.

raster_same FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_cpawithin FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: track1, track2, maxdist - Returns true if the trajectories closest points of approachare within the specified distance.

postgis_constraint_type FUNCTION SQL false character varying INVOKER
st_summarystatsagg AGGREGATE INTERNAL true summarystats INVOKER

args: rast, nband, exclude_nodata_value, sample_percent - Aggregate. Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a set of raster. Band 1 is assumed is no band is specified.

_st_equals FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
_st_colormap FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
st_worldtorastercoord FUNCTION PLPGSQL true record INVOKER

args: rast, longitude, latitude - Returns the upper left corner as column and row given geometric X and Y (longitude and latitude) or a point geometry expressed in the spatial reference coordinate system of the raster.

st_locatebetweenelevations FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom_mline, elevation_start, elevation_end - Return a derived geometry (collection) value with elements that intersect the specified range of elevations inclusively. Only 3D, 4D LINESTRINGS and MULTILINESTRINGS are supported.

st_perimeter2d FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: geomA - Returns the 2-dimensional perimeter of the geometry, if it is a polygon or multi-polygon. This is currently an alias for ST_Perimeter.

postgis_scripts_build_date FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

Returns build date of the PostGIS scripts.

_st_clip FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
geography_gist_consistent FUNCTION C false boolean INVOKER
_raster_constraint_info_scale FUNCTION SQL false double precision INVOKER
st_linecrossingdirection FUNCTION SQL true integer INVOKER

args: linestringA, linestringB - Given 2 linestrings, returns a number between -3 and 3 denoting what kind of crossing behavior. 0 is no crossing.

st_ndims FUNCTION C true smallint INVOKER

args: g1 - Returns coordinate dimension of the geometry as a small int. Values are: 2,3 or 4.

st_bdmpolyfromtext FUNCTION PLPGSQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Construct a MultiPolygon given an arbitrary collection of closed linestrings as a MultiLineString text representation Well-Known text representation.

st_bandpixeltype FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns the type of pixel for given band. If no bandnum specified, 1 is assumed.

st_aspect FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
st_setbandnodatavalue FUNCTION SQL false raster INVOKER

args: rast, band, nodatavalue, forcechecking=false - Sets the value for the given band that represents no data. Band 1 is assumed if no band is specified. To mark a band as having no nodata value, set the nodata value = NULL.

gserialized_gist_joinsel_nd FUNCTION C false double precision INVOKER
postgis_cache_bbox FUNCTION C false trigger INVOKER
geometry_spgist_leaf_consistent_2d FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
geometry_spgist_picksplit_2d FUNCTION C true void INVOKER
raster_left FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
box3d_in FUNCTION C true box3d INVOKER
st_astext FUNCTION SQL true text INVOKER

args: g1, maxdecimaldigits=15 - Return the Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the geometry/geography without SRID metadata.

st_width FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the width of the raster in pixels.

_st_tpi4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
geography_gist_distance FUNCTION C false double precision INVOKER
st_rastertoworldcoord FUNCTION SQL true record INVOKER

args: rast, xcolumn, yrow - Returns the rasters upper left corner as geometric X and Y (longitude and latitude) given a column and row. Column and row starts at 1.

_raster_constraint_info_coverage_tile FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
box2df_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
_add_raster_constraint_coverage_tile FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
_st_bestsrid FUNCTION SQL true integer INVOKER
_st_crosses FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
geometry_ge FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_count FUNCTION SQL false bigint INVOKER

args: rastertable, rastercolumn, nband=1, exclude_nodata_value=true - Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels that are not equal to the nodata value.

_drop_raster_constraint FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
pgis_asmvt_combinefn FUNCTION C true internal INVOKER
_drop_raster_constraint_pixel_types FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
st_mlinefromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
geometry_spgist_picksplit_3d FUNCTION C true void INVOKER
box2d FUNCTION C true box2d INVOKER
_drop_raster_constraint_extent FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
geometry_gt FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_pointn FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: a_linestring, n - Return the Nth point in the first LineString or circular LineString in the geometry. Negative values are counted backwards from the end of the LineString. Returns NULL if there is no linestring in the geometry.

st_scaley FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the Y component of the pixel height in units of coordinate reference system.

st_scalex FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the X component of the pixel width in units of coordinate reference system.

geometry_overbelow FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
_st_valuecount FUNCTION C false SETOF record INVOKER
st_bandfilesize FUNCTION C true bigint INVOKER

args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns the file size of a band stored in file system. If no bandnum specified, 1 is assumed.

geometry_gist_decompress_nd FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_geohash FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
st_frechetdistance FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: g1, g2, densifyFrac = -1 - Returns the Fréchet distance between two geometries. This is a measure of similarity between curves that takes into account the location and ordering of the points along the curves. Units are in the units of the spatial reference system of the geometries.

st_bdpolyfromtext FUNCTION PLPGSQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Construct a Polygon given an arbitrary collection of closed linestrings as a MultiLineString Well-Known text representation.

postgis_getbbox FUNCTION C true box2d INVOKER
st_sharedpaths FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: lineal1, lineal2 - Returns a collection containing paths shared by the two input linestrings/multilinestrings.

_st_samealignment_finalfn FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
_st_touches FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_collect FUNCTION INTERNAL true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from a collection of other geometries.

_st_contains FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_isclosed FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: g - Returns TRUE if the LINESTRINGs start and end points are coincident. For Polyhedral surface is closed (volumetric).

st_pointfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
_st_countagg_transfn FUNCTION PLPGSQL true agg_count INVOKER
raster_in FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
st_geometrytype FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

args: g1 - Return the geometry type of the ST_Geometry value.

st_curvetoline FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: curveGeom, tolerance, tolerance_type, flags - Converts a CIRCULARSTRING/CURVEPOLYGON/MULTISURFACE to a LINESTRING/POLYGON/MULTIPOLYGON

st_shift_longitude FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
geography_gist_picksplit FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_geomfromtwkb FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: twkb - Creates a geometry instance from a TWKB (“Tiny Well-Known Binary”) geometry representation.

st_geomfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, srid - Makes a geometry from WKB with the given SRID

st_npoints FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: g1 - Return the number of points (vertexes) in a geometry.

st_3ddfullywithin FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: g1, g2, distance - Returns true if all of the 3D geometries are within the specified distance of one another.

_raster_constraint_info_regular_blocking FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_bandfiletimestamp FUNCTION C true bigint INVOKER

args: rast, bandnum=1 - Returns the file timestamp of a band stored in file system. If no bandnum specified, 1 is assumed.

geography_analyze FUNCTION C false boolean INVOKER
st_isring FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: g - Returns TRUE if this LINESTRING is both closed and simple.

st_locatealong FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: ageom_with_measure, a_measure, offset - Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified measure. Polygonal elements are not supported.

_st_summarystats_transfn FUNCTION C true internal INVOKER
st_georeference FUNCTION PLPGSQL true text INVOKER

args: rast, format=GDAL - Returns the georeference meta data in GDAL or ESRI format as commonly seen in a world file. Default is GDAL.

st_perimeter FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: geog, use_spheroid=true - Return the length measurement of the boundary of an ST_Surface or ST_MultiSurface geometry or geography. (Polygon, MultiPolygon). geometry measurement is in units of spatial reference and geography is in meters.

_postgis_join_selectivity FUNCTION C false double precision INVOKER
st_aslatlontext FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

args: pt, format=’ - Return the Degrees, Minutes, Seconds representation of the given point.

st_lineinterpolatepoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: a_linestring, a_fraction - Returns a point interpolated along a line. Second argument is a float8 between 0 and 1 representing fraction of total length of linestring the point has to be located.

st_geometryfromtext FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from Well-Known Text representation (WKT). This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromText

box2d_in FUNCTION C true box2d INVOKER
st_force2d FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Force the geometries into a “2-dimensional mode”.

pgis_asmvt_transfn FUNCTION C true internal INVOKER
pgis_asgeobuf_finalfn FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER
st_distancesphere FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: geomlonlatA, geomlonlatB - Returns minimum distance in meters between two lon/lat geometries. Uses a spherical earth and radius derived from the spheroid defined by the SRID. Faster than ST_DistanceSpheroid , but less accurate. PostGIS versions prior to 1.5 only implemented for points.

st_mapalgebra FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
gserialized_gist_sel_nd FUNCTION C false double precision INVOKER
st_setvalues FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: rast, nband, columnx, rowy, width, height, newvalue, keepnodata=FALSE - Returns modified raster resulting from setting the values of a given band.

st_multilinestringfromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
_add_raster_constraint_scale FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_transform FUNCTION PLPGSQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, srid, scalex, scaley, algorithm=NearestNeighbor, maxerr=0.125 - Reprojects a raster in a known spatial reference system to another known spatial reference system using specified resampling algorithm. Options are NearestNeighbor, Bilinear, Cubic, CubicSpline, Lanczos defaulting to NearestNeighbor.

pgis_asmvt_finalfn FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER
_add_raster_constraint_pixel_types FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
postgis_liblwgeom_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Returns the version number of the liblwgeom library. This should match the version of PostGIS.

pgis_geometry_polygonize_finalfn FUNCTION C false geometry INVOKER
_st_tile FUNCTION C true SETOF raster INVOKER
st_covers FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rastA, nbandA, rastB, nbandB - Return true if no points of raster rastB lie outside raster rastA.

st_distance FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: gg1, gg2, use_spheroid - For geometry type returns the 2D Cartesian distance between two geometries in projected units (based on spatial reference system). For geography type defaults to return minimum geodesic distance between two geographies in meters.

st_multipolyfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_multipolygonfromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_force3dm FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Force the geometries into XYM mode.

_st_askml FUNCTION C true text INVOKER
checkauth FUNCTION SQL false integer INVOKER

args: a_schema_name, a_table_name, a_key_column_name - Creates trigger on a table to prevent/allow updates and deletes of rows based on authorization token.

st_nrings FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER

args: geomA - If the geometry is a polygon or multi-polygon returns the number of rings.

st_clusterintersecting FUNCTION INTERNAL true ARRAY INVOKER
st_mlinefromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKT, srid - Return a specified ST_MultiLineString value from WKT representation.

st_crosses FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - Returns TRUE if the supplied geometries have some, but not all, interior points in common.

geometry_gist_picksplit_2d FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_addband FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER

args: rast, outdbfile, outdbindex, index=at_end, nodataval=NULL - Returns a raster with the new band(s) of given type added with given initial value in the given index location. If no index is specified, the band is added to the end.

geometry_distance_box FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
st_findextent FUNCTION PLPGSQL true box2d INVOKER
st_force3dz FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Force the geometries into XYZ mode.

st_isvalidtrajectory FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: line - Returns true if the geometry is a valid trajectory.

_drop_raster_constraint_coverage_tile FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
st_multipointfromtext FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_coorddim FUNCTION C true smallint INVOKER

args: geomA - Return the coordinate dimension of the ST_Geometry value.

_st_samealignment_transfn FUNCTION PLPGSQL true agg_samealignment INVOKER
st_force4d FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Force the geometries into XYZM mode.

st_linetocurve FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER


_st_asraster FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
postgis_libxml_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Returns the version number of the libxml2 library.

geometry_spgist_choose_3d FUNCTION C true void INVOKER
st_bandisnodata FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER

args: rast, band, forceChecking=true - Returns true if the band is filled with only nodata values.

geography_lt FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_length2d_spheroid FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: a_geometry, a_spheroid - Calculates the 2D length/perimeter of a geometry on an ellipsoid. This is useful if the coordinates of the geometry are in longitude/latitude and a length is desired without reprojection.

_st_neighborhood FUNCTION C true ARRAY INVOKER
st_setskew FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: rast, skewx, skewy - Sets the georeference X and Y skew (or rotation parameter). If only one is passed in, sets X and Y to the same value.

st_closestpointofapproach FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: track1, track2 - Returns the measure at which points interpolated along two lines are closest.

st_ispolygonccw FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: geom - Returns true if all exterior rings are oriented counter-clockwise and all interior rings are oriented clockwise.

postgis_raster_lib_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Reports full raster version and build configuration infos.

st_lengthspheroid FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: a_geometry, a_spheroid - Calculates the 2D or 3D length/perimeter of a geometry on an ellipsoid. This is useful if the coordinates of the geometry are in longitude/latitude and a length is desired without reprojection.

st_dumpaspolygons FUNCTION C true SETOF geomval INVOKER
st_normalize FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom - Return the geometry in its canonical form.

geometry_gist_decompress_2d FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
st_concavehull FUNCTION PLPGSQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, target_percent, allow_holes=false - The concave hull of a geometry represents a possibly concave geometry that encloses all geometries within the set. You can think of it as shrink wrapping.


args: tab, col, ext, sfx, sfy, tw, th, algo=‘NearestNeighbor’ - Return a set of configured tiles from an arbitrarily tiled raster coverage.

_st_overlaps FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_endpoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g - Returns the last point of a LINESTRING or CIRCULARLINESTRING geometry as a POINT.

st_longestline FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - Returns the 2-dimensional longest line points of two geometries. The function will only return the first longest line if more than one, that the function finds. The line returned will always start in g1 and end in g2. The length of the line this function returns will always be the same as st_maxdistance returns for g1 and g2.

geometry_spgist_choose_2d FUNCTION C true void INVOKER
postgis_noop FUNCTION C false geometry INVOKER
postgis_gdal_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Reports the version of the GDAL library in use by PostGIS.

st_force3d FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA - Force the geometries into XYZ mode. This is an alias for ST_Force3DZ.

st_relate FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: geomA, geomB, intersectionMatrixPattern - Returns true if this Geometry is spatially related to anotherGeometry, by testing for intersections between the Interior, Boundary and Exterior of the two geometries as specified by the values in the intersectionMatrixPattern. If no intersectionMatrixPattern is passed in, then returns the maximum intersectionMatrixPattern that relates the 2 geometries.

_st_summarystats_finalfn FUNCTION C true summarystats INVOKER
_drop_raster_constraint_num_bands FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
_st_pixelaspolygons FUNCTION C true SETOF record INVOKER
st_quantizecoordinates FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g, prec_x, prec_y, prec_z, prec_m - Sets least significant bits of coordinates to zero


args: rast, nband=NULL, exclude_nodata_value=true - Get the values of the specified band as a 2-dimension array.

_postgis_deprecate FUNCTION PLPGSQL true void INVOKER
st_pixelwidth FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER

args: rast - Returns the pixel width in geometric units of the spatial reference system.

st_delaunaytriangles FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, tolerance, flags - Return a Delaunay triangulation around the given input points.

st_flipcoordinates FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom - Returns a version of the given geometry with X and Y axis flipped. Useful for people who have built latitude/longitude features and need to fix them.

dropoverviewconstraints FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER

args: ovschema, ovtable, ovcolumn - Untag a raster column from being an overview of another.

st_minimumboundingradius FUNCTION C true record INVOKER

args: geom - Returns the center point and radius of the smallest circle that can fully contain a geometry.

st_multipointfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
_st_grayscale4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
st_makeline FUNCTION INTERNAL true geometry INVOKER

args: geom1, geom2 - Creates a Linestring from point, multipoint, or line geometries.

st_boundingdiagonal FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geom, fits=false - Returns the diagonal of the supplied geometrys bounding box.

_raster_constraint_info_out_db FUNCTION SQL false ARRAY INVOKER
st_envelope FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER
st_minimumclearanceline FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g - Returns the two-point LineString spanning a geometrys minimum clearance.

_st_reclass FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
_st_expand FUNCTION C true geography INVOKER
st_gmltosql FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomgml, srid - Return a specified ST_Geometry value from GML representation. This is an alias name for ST_GeomFromGML

st_zmflag FUNCTION C true smallint INVOKER

args: geomA - Returns ZM (dimension semantic) flag of the geometries as a small int. Values are: 0=2d, 1=3dm, 2=3dz, 3=4d.

st_worldtorastercoordy FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER

args: rast, xw, yw - Returns the row in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented in world spatial reference system of raster.

st_minpossiblevalue FUNCTION C true double precision INVOKER
st_3dmakebox FUNCTION C true box3d INVOKER

args: point3DLowLeftBottom, point3DUpRightTop - Creates a BOX3D defined by the given 3d point geometries.

postgis_lib_version FUNCTION C true text INVOKER

Returns the version number of the PostGIS library.

st_linestringfromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: WKB, srid - Makes a geometry from WKB with the given SRID.

st_forcesfs FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: geomA, version - Force the geometries to use SFS 1.1 geometry types only.

geometry_overleft FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
st_voronoipolygons FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, tolerance, extend_to - Returns the cells of the Voronoi diagram constructed from the vertices of a geometry.

raster_right FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
st_worldtorastercoordx FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER

args: rast, xw, yw - Returns the column in the raster of the point geometry (pt) or a X and Y world coordinate (xw, yw) represented in world spatial reference system of raster.

st_isvaliddetail FUNCTION C true valid_detail INVOKER

args: geom, flags - Returns a valid_detail (valid,reason,location) row stating if a geometry is valid or not and if not valid, a reason why and a location where.

postgis_full_version FUNCTION PLPGSQL true text INVOKER

Reports full postgis version and build configuration infos.

geometry_analyze FUNCTION C false boolean INVOKER
st_asgeobuf AGGREGATE INTERNAL true bytea INVOKER

args: row, geom_name - Return a Geobuf representation of a set of rows.

st_exteriorring FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: a_polygon - Returns a line string representing the exterior ring of the POLYGON geometry. Return NULL if the geometry is not a polygon. Will not work with MULTIPOLYGON

geography_cmp FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER
st_geomfromgml FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: geomgml, srid - Takes as input GML representation of geometry and outputs a PostGIS geometry object

st_isvalid FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER

args: g, flags - Returns true if the ST_Geometry is well formed.

st_setgeotransform FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER
_raster_constraint_info_spatially_unique FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
st_multilinefromwkb FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER
st_setupperleft FUNCTION C true raster INVOKER

args: rast, x, y - Sets the value of the upper left corner of the pixel of the raster to projected X and Y coordinates.

_drop_raster_constraint_out_db FUNCTION SQL false boolean INVOKER
geometry_gist_compress_nd FUNCTION C false internal INVOKER
_st_within FUNCTION SQL true boolean INVOKER
postgis_typmod_srid FUNCTION C true integer INVOKER
bytea FUNCTION C true bytea INVOKER
st_voronoilines FUNCTION SQL true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, tolerance, extend_to - Returns the boundaries between the cells of the Voronoi diagram constructed from the vertices of a geometry.

addauth FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER

args: auth_token - Add an authorization token to be used in current transaction.

st_makeemptycoverage FUNCTION PLPGSQL true SETOF raster INVOKER

args: tilewidth, tileheight, width, height, upperleftx, upperlefty, scalex, scaley, skewx, skewy, srid=unknown - Cover georeferenced area with a grid of empty raster tiles.

st_closestpoint FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - Returns the 2-dimensional point on g1 that is closest to g2. This is the first point of the shortest line.

st_range4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
_raster_constraint_info_pixel_types FUNCTION SQL false ARRAY INVOKER
_postgis_pgsql_version FUNCTION SQL false text INVOKER
st_colormap FUNCTION SQL true raster INVOKER
_drop_raster_constraint_blocksize FUNCTION PLPGSQL false boolean INVOKER
st_invdistweight4ma FUNCTION PLPGSQL true double precision INVOKER
st_maxdistance FUNCTION SQL true double precision INVOKER

args: g1, g2 - Returns the 2-dimensional largest distance between two geometries in projected units.

geography_le FUNCTION C true boolean INVOKER
box3d_out FUNCTION C true cstring INVOKER
st_split FUNCTION C true geometry INVOKER

args: input, blade - Returns a collection of geometries resulting by splitting a geometry.

find_srid FUNCTION PLPGSQL true integer INVOKER

args: a_schema_name, a_table_name, a_geomfield_name - The syntax is find_srid(a_db_schema, a_table, a_column) and the function returns the integer SRID of the specified column by searching through the GEOMETRY_COLUMNS table.